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March 6, 2020

apprenticeship | chantal gallant

We sat down our current apprentices for an interview about their experience thus far! First up: Chantal Gallant.

What drew you to the PT apprenticeship in the first place?
Being new to Vancouver, I was looking for a way to enter the theatre community here and build some lasting relationships. I felt a need to explore how my faith and my art interact with each other, and PT presented a safe space to do so.

Have you tried anything new this year/built skills you’d like to keep exploring?
Producing is a whole new thing to me and I will definitely continue to explore it down the road.

The apprenticeship typically culminates in a final project. Do you have something specific in mind? What are you hoping to get out of your spring show?
I’m writing another play! I don’t want to say much about it now, but I know it’s going to push me as a playwright and as an actor.

Any words of advice for an incoming apprentice?
Know what you want to work on coming into the project. Do something that scares you in the best way. Take the time to ask questions from the people who work at PT as crew, cast and in the office. They have a wealth of knowledge.

What are you working on after the apprenticeship?
I’d like to get my fall project, a one-woman show called Nosegate into schools and tour it around. To be completely honest, I’m not sure what lies ahead after the apprenticeship and that’s okay.

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