CHILD-ish Advisory Info

Children 8 years and up are welcome at this show. However, it is intended for an adult audience. Participating children were excited that this show does something different than usual: instead of adults making a play for kids, kids have been part of making a play for adults. 

More details:

As well as a lot of joyful and whimsical content, the show includes frank discussions – initiated entirely by children – about the following:

  • Anxiety: a child’s experience of feeling anxious
  • Suicide: a number of children’s experiences relating to suicide, like a friend’s father dying by suicide, several of their young friends feeling suicidal themselves.
  • Climate: feelings of climate overwhelm, anxiety and worry about the state of the world
  • War: a young refugee from Syria’s experiences about displacement, another child’s thoughts about what would and would not be worth going to war for
  • Consent: a child’s experience of having been pressured into kissing another child.

Suggestions for preparing your child to attend:

If you’d like your child to attend CHILD-ish with you, we’d suggest talking with them about the topics described above and asking them if they’re interested and ready to attend a show with these themes. This can be a powerful opportunity to initiate important conversations. A good place to start is by asking them what they know about these themes and what questions they have.

If you have any further questions, or would like to speak to a PT staff member about the show, please feel free to call us at 604-731-5518. We look forward to welcoming you to CHILD-ish!