Your Donations Matter

Since its inception in 1984, Pacific Theatre has been buoyed and supported by its donors. Your support goes directly to paying artists, staging productions, and creating theatre that matters.

All donations over $10 will receive a tax receipt.


Pacific Theatre is a registered charity

Registration number: 11891-8556 BC0001

Call (604) 731-5483
Mail a cheque to 1440 W 12th Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1M8

I go to Pacific Theatre to fill my heart and feed my soul.

One Time Donation

Donations to our operating fund go directly to those budget lines that make our company run: keeping the lights on, paying staff salaries and benefits, rent, office expenses and the many other expenses that are a part of running a non-profit theatre company! Thank you for believing in the work we do and for supporting us so generously!

Monthly Donation

Perfect for the patron who wants to guarantee Pacific Theatre ongoing support (not to mention a little peace of mind). These donations provide an assurance of cash flow, which is especially important in the summer months when the theatre is dark.

Year end Campaign

The theatre is our “home,” and this Christmas, it needs defending! Inflation and rising costs are banging on the door, and we need your help to hold them off. Support Pacific Theatre and help us raise $80,000 by year’s end!

Corporate Donation

To make a corporate donation, please contact Mike deBoer.

Phone: (604) 731-5483

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