

Gilles Jean, big-time lawyer, returns to his hometown of Benevolence to try a troubling case involving the child of an old friend. But with the ghosts of his deceased brothers and father peering over his shoulder, and his mother asking after the state of his soul, homecoming is no easy thing. This pitch-black comedy (presented in a new English translation) offers a surreal reflection on our small cowardices and our great contradictions.

Presented in a new English translation by Leanna Brodie.

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A guest production from Ruby Slippers Theatre.

by Fanny Britt
translated by Leanna Brodie
Sept 30 – Oct 15, 2022

Gilles Jean, big-time lawyer, returns to his hometown of Benevolence to try a troubling case involving the child of an old friend. But with the ghosts of his deceased brothers and father peering over his shoulder, and his mother asking after the state of his soul, homecoming is no easy thing. This pitch-black comedy (presented in a new English translation) offers a surreal reflection on our small cowardices and our great contradictions.

Featuring Charlie Gallant, Chris Lam, Paul Moniz de Sá, Stephanie Wong, and Beatrice Zeilinger.

Directed by Diane Brown. Sound Design by Rick Colhoun. Set and Lighting Design by John Webber. Costume Design by Jessica Oostergo. Properties by Monica Emme. Stage Management by Nico Dicecco. Apprentice Stage Management by Dayna Horn. Technical Direction by Daniel O’Shea.

ADVISORY INFORMATION: The play includes strong language, religious profanity, discussions of sex, and frank descriptions of death, including the death of a child. If you have concerns, please contact our box office at 604-731-5518 or

Here's what they say about the show

Therese Champagne

When I came out of the Pacific Theatre yesterday after seeing Benevolence, I thought ‘This is why I love theatre!’. Troubling, intense, with funny moments. Strong performances, a tight script, a thought-provoking play that pulls you out of your comfort zone.

Paula MacPherson

Benevolence. Great writing, direction and acting. A thought provoking work that challenges the notion of success at all costs - including friendship. The Pacific Theatre is to be congratulated hosting this production. I will return.